Easy Streaming
We are getting a lot of questions about how to stream audio/video to the internet.
In our opinion the easiest and also cheapest way to stream H264 audio/video is by using an Axis encoder.
There are several encoder types, but we suggest to search for an AXIS Q7401 encoder on sites like ebay and marktplaats.
The encoders show up at prices between 100 and 150 USDollars or Euros.
It really is a matter of keeping a good eye on these selling sites.
The Q7401 encoder is a standalone unit, that uses only 4-5 Watts per hour. The big advantage of using a Q7401 is that you do not need to have a PC on 24/7
They are also very easy to configure and if you have questions, you can always contact us for help.
Below are some images of the Q7401 encoder.
The manufacturer is located in Sweden. Check out their website here: http://classic.www.axis.com/products/cam_q7401/index.htm